Monday, October 10, 2011

Topic Choice

I choose Netiquette & Cyber-Bullying as my topic for my final project. One of the reasons why I choose this topic is because technology has advanced so quickly these past few years and the amount of children who have access to technology and internet is growing daily. In my elementary school days bullying happened, to everyone, but I can't imagine going home, where it should be safe and comfortable, to an environment where bullying could still occur. Once the children are home and still exposed to bullying via the internet could have a tremendous impact on their growth academically and emotionally. I believe it's important to educate myself and other teachers about how this can happen anytime and anywhere. It is something if we can spread this information between all of us we can also educate children and parents about what can happen on the internet. Whether it's good or bad behaviors, we should still be aware of what happens and what should be restricted to students. I would rather educate myself on the topic rather than later underestimating the childrens' abilities online and suffer consequences later.

1 comment:

  1. Kelly - Excellent statement of purpose. I look forward to reading your findings in the coming weeks.
